AVAYA ACR 12 – How to reset admin password on ACR 12

Reset admin password on ACR 12 : So you are in middle of situation where you have lost your ACR Admin login password or for some reason application is not allowing you to login into application due to password failure.

Reset ACR Admin password  Step by Step

reset admin password on ACR 12


Reset admin password on ACR 12


So here is the solution i’ve for your, please follow the procedure below, which will help you to reset your password in a very short time.

As discussed I am sharing with you the procedure to reset the password for Admin user on ACR (windows)
1)      From the  run cmd  go to the  installation directory and go to the postgres run psql command:  psql -U eware -h localhost
password= eware // This will take you to database.
2)      Run the command:  update users set password=’46a2f99c7cb2ecb846804569c39037b1′ where username=’admin’;  // This will set the password to ‘avaya1’
now login to application with password=avaya1, you may change the password as required by clicking the Change Password field at the top most right hand side of ACR page.

Feel free to kindly let me know if you need more clarification on this.

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